1. What is holiday Mode?

Holiday Mode is a feature that you can use to temporarily close your Jumia store. This is useful in the following situations:

  • – You temporarily stop your activities and you will not be able to process your orders. 
  • – You are out of stock and you want to temporarily close your shop on Jumia.

This Holiday Mode allows you to avoid receiving orders that you can not process, and this especially allows you to not be penalized or see your Seller Score fall.

2. How to activate Holiday Mode?

A / From your Vendor Center click on Settings → Users


B / Under “Seller Settings” go to the bottom of the page to find the option “Holidays” as below.

C / Then simply enter your start and end dates. Your Jumia shop will be automatically deactivated during this period. It will also be automatically reactivated once the period has passed. 

3. Some tips.

– You do not have to activate Holiday Mode for holidays or weekends.

– Think about this mode to avoid fines for out of stock.
