What is a GTIN Barcode?

    •  A Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a unique and internationally recognized identifier for a product.
    • It’s the number you see under a barcode and it has different types.

    • GTIN-12 (UPC-A): this is a 12-digit number used primarily in North America.
    • GTIN-8 (EAN/UCC-8): this is an 8-digit number used predominately outside of North America.
    • GTIN-13 (EAN/UCC-13): this is a 13-digit number used predominately outside of North America.
    • GTIN-14 (EAN/UCC-14 or ITF-14): this is a 14-digit number used to identify trade items at various packaging levels.

Why use GTIN Barcodes?

    • It provides a common language for all of its entities and trading partners worldwide to uniquely identify the item and easily communicate information about the item
    • Using barcodes allows vendors to search existing listings by barcodes before manually creating a new SKU thus benefiting from the following:
      • to list their offer under an existing listing.
      • product grouping which will ensure fair competition between all vendors and better visibility for the best offers
      •  less operational and finance issues with reconciliation thanks to this unique product ID
      • More visibility online with better search engine ranking

How to get the GTIN of your product?

Locating GTINs on Products

Packaging Scans: GTINs are typically found on the product packaging, represented as a barcode. For books, it’s the ISBN usually located on the back cover.


Manufacturer Information: If the GTIN is not visible on the product, consult the manufacturer’s documentation or contact them directly.

Online Databases: Various online databases and tools can help you look up GTINs if you have other product identifiers.

Creating GTINs for Private Labels or Unbranded Products

If your products are private labels or unbranded, you may need to obtain GTINs. This can be done through organizations like GS1, which provide unique identifiers for your products.

If your product already has a GTIN barcode

    • Ask the brand owner/manufacturer to share their detailed price list or catalogue with product barcodes (GTINs). Note: Barcodes (GTINs) are different from Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) and Model number.
    •  Read or Scan the barcode (GTIN) on the product or product packaging

If your product does not have a barcode

    • GS1 is the official GTINs and EAN/UPC barcode provider worldwide, which ensures your barcodes work anywhere in the world
    • Applying for a GTIN involves providing information about your product, such as its name, description, and packaging.
    • For more details about getting GTINs for your products please visit your country’s GS1 website
    • Submit an exception request to add barcodes to your products here

For more information about how to add your GTINs on the Vendor Center Click HERE.

GTIN Exemption Request

GTIN barcodes should be provided for mandatory brands and categories listed here.

If a vendor’s brand or product does not have a GTIN barcode, they are supposed to request an exemption on this link here. This exemption process involves filling out a form following the steps below, to explain why an exemption should be granted.
