Introduction to seller center

Whether it’s before or after you attend the training, you will sometimes need some hints or steps to show you how to do some simple tasks on your account such as “How to add a product, how to set an order as Ready to ship… etc” and for such situations we created the “Walk Me” option which will allow you some guidance to show you the steps to do such tasks.

By the end of this lesson you should be able to:

  • Use the “Walk Me” tool.
  • Access the easy instructions on how to handle simple tasks on Seller Center.

How to

You will always be able to access the tool to walk you through the steps of managing your account from within the seller center,

You can find it at the lower right corner in the Seller Center

Here we will go through one of the options “Set Order to Ready to Ship” as an example and the same concept will be applied on the other options in the menu.

  1. From the lower right corner in the Seller Center.
  2. Click on “Seller Center Assistant”.
  3. Then “Set Order to Ready to Ship”
  4. A pointer will appear on the page to guide you to click on “Orders”.
  5. Then it will ask you to click on “Manage Orders”.
  6. After this it will take you to the order management tab and there you will find a button called “Move to Ready to Ship” Click on it.
  7. A new pop up will appear asking you to click on “+”
  8. Then you’ll be asked to check the boxes in front of the order you’d like to ship.
  9. And it will then ask you to click on “Ready to ship”
  10. A pop up will appear asking you to click on “Create Package & Next”
  11. It will ask you to click on the buttons to reach the “Ready to ship” button
  12. And then the order will be moved from Pending to Ready to Ship successfully.

You can use the same concept for the previous steps to learn any of the titles available in the “Walk Me” tool.

-Take a Tour on the Seller Center.

-How to setup your profile information

-Move order to Ready to Ship

-Add a Product

-Check your Account Statement

-Hubs locations and working hours
