1. What are the Account Statements?

Your account statement lets you track your revenues, your sales balance, and your fees. You can see all the transactions in detail and even download all the documents to use them for your accounting.

Find your Account Statements in the Vendor Center: Account Statement



  1. Get an overview of your Sales balance.


Due and unpaid: on this section you can see the amount ready to be transferred to your bank account.

Open Statement: it shows the current payout (2 weeks).

My Dashboard: here you can see the number of your items in delivery and their specific status.

Paid in the last 3 months: it shows the payout of the last 3 months.


  1. Download and read your account statement.

A) First, select a range of data in the left column.

B) On the right column, you will find your balance for the selected period, and the details of the amount transferred to you.

Get at the bottom of this table and click on “Sales Report”.

C) Open your Sales Report in Excel. You have access to every information about your sales at item level. This detailed view allows you to check if the money you receive corresponds to the sales you made. V
